Huge week of Aikido this week as we are hosting a clinic with Kancho Shioda from Japan. First time ever someone from Japan will have ever been to our Dojo. Its a huge honor and I'm super stoked to get in some major training. Shioda is only visiting two cities in the US this year - San Fran and St. Paul, how crazy is that. Amos Parker Shihan is co-hosting with us and is actually in town tonight to teach a special class too. So that, along with the clinic sessions during the weekend. By Monday I'll be a pile of goo and hardly be able to move. Spent 4 hours last night moving the mats around and cleaning in prep for the clinic starting Friday.
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Here's a pic of me getting tossed around.

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Here's a pic of me getting tossed around.

and thanks a lot for the comment!