so, this is the first time i went out with my new flatmates, it was a great night, and we had a LOT of fun, and it was fab, i mistakingly thought it was the way things were going to be.
unfortunately, things went a bit tits up with my male flatmate, and we are just about on speaking terms now, he shouts at me, a lot, about anything he can find wrong, and is hella mean-
bit of a change from

that night...
its been really quite upsetting, seeing as i moved from the original flat because of an ego maniacal man, and seem to have moved in with another...
on a more positive note - the reason ive been so utterly absent is exams!
and theyve mostly gone amazingly well! which makes me a very very VERY happy lady, and also frees up a wee bit of time, so i can you know, check my emails and stuff!
i noticed that you uk folks had a meet in brighton while ive been away, wow. wowow.
love brighton.
LOVE brighton.
hope all of you that went had a good time.
on an even more positive note, my birthday is at the end of this month- shindig at pivo- we wanted to have a party in the flat, but its too small! and we have very irritating neighbours.
so 30th of this month at pivo if you wanna pop over, i think we'll probably manage to take copious amounts of drugs and go somewhere after.

its such a gross picture, and i love it- i took it with my new (used) camera a nullsony dsc-t7 i bought it cos i realised that i dont take enough pictures because my other camera is too precious for me to jst take out randomly, and end up only taking it out when i actually go out to take pictures, as opposed to spontanious fun ones.

i leave you with a picture of me, on my new bed, in my new room- looking like a bit of a twat- was caught off guard by my friend jo.
i will be here more now.
i used to listen to radio 2 a lot (still do a bit) and was almost in tears when johnny walker left
not cool for a 24 year old boy AT ALL