i would litirally do ANYTHING, to avoid doing any work....
im ashamed...
so i have shite loads of college work to do, and i seem incapable of actually getting off my fat lazy arse.
plus the fact that i seem to have aquired some sort of life means that people actually call me with better offers then sitting infront of the laptop the whole night-i inturn refuse, and say ill stay home to do some work, and end up infront of the screen anyway...
naughty, NAUGHTY...
ooooo, so today, i sat to have a cup of tea at college with one of my classmates, and she asked me if another boy in the class and i were together, it was hillerious, apparantly we'd been the gossip of the classroom since we started in september, and only found out now.
the weird thing was, the look of utter disappointment when she found out it wasnt true...
it was kinda sweet, like all this hype and this anti climax of utter nothingness...
i do love the fact that i was part of some sort of scandal though.
thats kinda nice, cos my life is so utterly dull, that when someone else thinks its interesting and sordid and secret, its kinda nice.
sick huh?
also, my orchid died...
im upset, it must have just been far too cold for it...
i want another plant, but i dont know how well i would handle it if it died...

im ashamed...
so i have shite loads of college work to do, and i seem incapable of actually getting off my fat lazy arse.
plus the fact that i seem to have aquired some sort of life means that people actually call me with better offers then sitting infront of the laptop the whole night-i inturn refuse, and say ill stay home to do some work, and end up infront of the screen anyway...
naughty, NAUGHTY...
ooooo, so today, i sat to have a cup of tea at college with one of my classmates, and she asked me if another boy in the class and i were together, it was hillerious, apparantly we'd been the gossip of the classroom since we started in september, and only found out now.
the weird thing was, the look of utter disappointment when she found out it wasnt true...
it was kinda sweet, like all this hype and this anti climax of utter nothingness...
i do love the fact that i was part of some sort of scandal though.
thats kinda nice, cos my life is so utterly dull, that when someone else thinks its interesting and sordid and secret, its kinda nice.
sick huh?

also, my orchid died...
im upset, it must have just been far too cold for it...
i want another plant, but i dont know how well i would handle it if it died...
going out would be so much more fun if we were in, say, Israel. wink. wink.