so yesterday was a really shitty day, for some odd reason- it just seemed like the the whole world had someone to lean on- and me and one of THE most annoying people i have ever met in my life- didn't.
now obviously this makes you wander; Are you the same kind of person?
this thought made me lock myself in my room.
then my step mum called- to say happy new year (its jewish new year today) and asked me to send her a picture of myself- cos my little brother wanted a new one to make a collage or something (hes nearly 3) so here i am- trying to take pictures of myself- something i dont (unlike the myspace commmunity) like doing very much... so im using my own camera- and bleh- pictures are shitty- and i cant be bothered for it. and then my annoying flatmate comes in, with his camera (he's got a photogrphy degree- he has a really expensive SLR with some huge phallic looking lens) and tries to set it up on a tripod for me, i ofcourse protest (if i look bad with my own camera- what the hell would i look like with that damn lens?!?!) anyway- i looked like shit- so i gave up fairly quickly. this made me even more reluctent to leave the room.
so im on the internet- going through friend's myspace profiles, and im reading a freinds new personal statement- and shes going on and on.... i look directly below to find- none other then the guy i went out with in australia- who fucked my best friend- threw my shit into the brisbane river- and then accused me of cheating on him- and kicked me out of the flat we lived in....
BUT- its not HIS profile! its his new girlfriends!
anyway, she has some skin disease and an overbite- this should make me feel better- but ive put on two stone or something- so it didnt...
i immidiately left her profile- after a nose ofcourse- and went on to txt the guy that just left- and he obviously became very concerned. the only problem is- i just wanted to tell someone that i was having a shit day- i didnt need to talk about it- and certainly not him- he doesnt need to realise how upset i am... anyway- he did i guess. which made me feel a little bit crappier!
and im working tonight- and tomorrow!
not a happy bunny at all...
now obviously this makes you wander; Are you the same kind of person?
this thought made me lock myself in my room.
then my step mum called- to say happy new year (its jewish new year today) and asked me to send her a picture of myself- cos my little brother wanted a new one to make a collage or something (hes nearly 3) so here i am- trying to take pictures of myself- something i dont (unlike the myspace commmunity) like doing very much... so im using my own camera- and bleh- pictures are shitty- and i cant be bothered for it. and then my annoying flatmate comes in, with his camera (he's got a photogrphy degree- he has a really expensive SLR with some huge phallic looking lens) and tries to set it up on a tripod for me, i ofcourse protest (if i look bad with my own camera- what the hell would i look like with that damn lens?!?!) anyway- i looked like shit- so i gave up fairly quickly. this made me even more reluctent to leave the room.
so im on the internet- going through friend's myspace profiles, and im reading a freinds new personal statement- and shes going on and on.... i look directly below to find- none other then the guy i went out with in australia- who fucked my best friend- threw my shit into the brisbane river- and then accused me of cheating on him- and kicked me out of the flat we lived in....
BUT- its not HIS profile! its his new girlfriends!
anyway, she has some skin disease and an overbite- this should make me feel better- but ive put on two stone or something- so it didnt...
i immidiately left her profile- after a nose ofcourse- and went on to txt the guy that just left- and he obviously became very concerned. the only problem is- i just wanted to tell someone that i was having a shit day- i didnt need to talk about it- and certainly not him- he doesnt need to realise how upset i am... anyway- he did i guess. which made me feel a little bit crappier!
and im working tonight- and tomorrow!
not a happy bunny at all...

wanna send me some blood sausage like they have over there????