firstly-my space bar is a bit stuck, and i cant be bothered to read over, so im sorry if some words arestuck...
SO... after that horriffic weekend, things got a bit better, i had a great week, i started college a couple of weeks ago, and im enjoying my course, which is just challanging enough to make me think, but not challanging enough to make me cry...
i also have a friend.
which is great, cos it normaly takes me yonks to start liking people, but i liked this one from the moment i saw him, and now we wait for each other for lunch, and to get the bus back home- something i NEVER did at school, for they were all beneath me! muhahahha
i cut me hair! she took a foot off it!
unfortunately, it doesnt look terribly good, and i think ive realised i look farbettr with long hair, i need to accept it, and makesure that i dont try and change the way things look to change my mood- it doesnt seem to work!
soi had the most surreal night last night- my friend lives with two pakistani men- shes 23, and they are 31, and 41, one of them has a wife and four kids in pakistan, and it was his birthday, so we all came over, and he cooked us a lamb curry (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) i went to sleep after dinner, but apparantly they went out and took speed and stuff, which is just so odd if youd see these two cute little chubby men, that hardly speak any english...
im feeling slightly depressed right now, all my friends are great, and are being really helpful,but i come home to an empty bed, and it just makesme feel lonely.
so im advertising for people that need a bed, and dont mind me spooning them, im very small, so i wont even take up much space in the bed, and i also cook, clean and argue.
SO... after that horriffic weekend, things got a bit better, i had a great week, i started college a couple of weeks ago, and im enjoying my course, which is just challanging enough to make me think, but not challanging enough to make me cry...
i also have a friend.
which is great, cos it normaly takes me yonks to start liking people, but i liked this one from the moment i saw him, and now we wait for each other for lunch, and to get the bus back home- something i NEVER did at school, for they were all beneath me! muhahahha
i cut me hair! she took a foot off it!
unfortunately, it doesnt look terribly good, and i think ive realised i look farbettr with long hair, i need to accept it, and makesure that i dont try and change the way things look to change my mood- it doesnt seem to work!
soi had the most surreal night last night- my friend lives with two pakistani men- shes 23, and they are 31, and 41, one of them has a wife and four kids in pakistan, and it was his birthday, so we all came over, and he cooked us a lamb curry (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) i went to sleep after dinner, but apparantly they went out and took speed and stuff, which is just so odd if youd see these two cute little chubby men, that hardly speak any english...
im feeling slightly depressed right now, all my friends are great, and are being really helpful,but i come home to an empty bed, and it just makesme feel lonely.
so im advertising for people that need a bed, and dont mind me spooning them, im very small, so i wont even take up much space in the bed, and i also cook, clean and argue.

its been long time - and i dont think THIS bed has ever had more than just me in it
i do kick and snore though
like a trooper
of course you like the old house... it has the badams touch added.
ps - there has been many a time when i have woken up as my face rolls into a patch of cooled drool from earlier in the night
i am such a sexy mother fucker