dear me, its been a long time since i last updated.
work is keeping me far too busy for what it is. i have another interview tomorrow, thats cheery, better money, better hours, and hopefully, a better manager to work with..
im so happy, the guy thats been drawing the lettering for my tattoo has actually finished doing it, and my mum has agreed to pay for the whole thing seeing as she was the one that brought up the idea, under the condition that i must get it done by the same guy thats dont my other tattoo, she really wants me to come to london and so bribes me...
im being ground down to a thick pulp by my current manager, who pees her pants (quite litirally) when the area manager calls her...
im going for drinks tonight. with a friend who's leaving for new zeland. i think im jelous of him, even though, excluding work, i have nothing to winge about.
right, drinks it is.
work is keeping me far too busy for what it is. i have another interview tomorrow, thats cheery, better money, better hours, and hopefully, a better manager to work with..
im so happy, the guy thats been drawing the lettering for my tattoo has actually finished doing it, and my mum has agreed to pay for the whole thing seeing as she was the one that brought up the idea, under the condition that i must get it done by the same guy thats dont my other tattoo, she really wants me to come to london and so bribes me...
im being ground down to a thick pulp by my current manager, who pees her pants (quite litirally) when the area manager calls her...
im going for drinks tonight. with a friend who's leaving for new zeland. i think im jelous of him, even though, excluding work, i have nothing to winge about.
right, drinks it is.

i think i could do wales... think its too far though