I had a lot of fun at the SG Show on Tuesday night...and thought the performances came a long way. Got to meet some new sg members and eat dinner at The Cup Cafe...Tasty!
Yes ma'am I did go to high school and middle school here. And I envy you for getting to go to the SG show in Tucson. I was stuck in Phoenix at the time. Booooo! haha
My attention paid to SG is less than the money paid out. I don't really have the time nor the energy to check out hot naked chicks on the web anymore. I don't know, I like the community. but I don't use it anymore.
sorry that i haven't been too active...but i promise to change... im soo excited to go to the burlesque show tonight!!!!! I'll be attending it with SG Gurrly Stacie and my man-meat :o)... i am also going to put up my pic very very shortly.
Hey sweetie...Sorry we didn't get to hang out the next day. I was super busy. I'll e-mail you with my number in a couple of days when I have more to write. I just wanted to say hi! Tell Stacie I said hi too.
Big Will Wonka Fan