Sooooo all last week I had to drive an hour to the far side of Syracuse every day to take this stupid class so that I can start passing meds at work. I love long car rides. There's this great Barnes and Noble about halfway back that used to be my study spot and now I'm too far away to frequent it so much so I gott to park there and study after classes as an extra treat.
Anyways, on Friday I have the test and that morning I wake up with a splitting headache and a killer cold. Can't take my real meds because then I wouldn't be able to drive. But if I don't get there for the test I will have to wait 6 monts for the next time (and it comes with a raise) So I scoot my butt down ther and cross my fingers hoping for the best. Come test time I'm looking at these questions and its all a blur. I can barely read the words on the page, let alone put them in osme comprehensable order. Fortunately it was mostly multiple choice. Anyways, I turn it in and as my instructer starts to grade it I'm thinking "please, just let me pass," but I didn't really have much hope. My grade... 98. Yah baby!
Too bad I ended up sick in bed all weekend. I had all the reason to celebrate and none of the motivation.
So Jaxy said something about shower curtains in her blog that reminded me of an old college prank. We had this really gullible sweetmate who always took showers about 7PM. Peak time for everyone to be in the dorms after getting home from classes/work and before going out for the evening. 3 or 4 times we threw his clothes into his room then locked the door so that he had to go through our room, out into the hall and into the front door of his dorm. After the first couple times he's just waltze on through saying, "yah guys, real funny. Never seen this before." Anyways, one time he comes through but we had locked his front door as well. Then after we got in our room we shut and locked that. Everyone on the hall all shut and locked their doors as well. But we had the windows open at both ends and it must have been thirty degrees outside. You can imagine what happens to a guy when everything is cold and wet... His girlfriend, and a few of her friends come running up the hall with cameras and he tries to crawl in a corner shrieking, "No! No pictures! Go away!"
You never know what might be going on, on the other side of that shower currtain.
Anyways, on Friday I have the test and that morning I wake up with a splitting headache and a killer cold. Can't take my real meds because then I wouldn't be able to drive. But if I don't get there for the test I will have to wait 6 monts for the next time (and it comes with a raise) So I scoot my butt down ther and cross my fingers hoping for the best. Come test time I'm looking at these questions and its all a blur. I can barely read the words on the page, let alone put them in osme comprehensable order. Fortunately it was mostly multiple choice. Anyways, I turn it in and as my instructer starts to grade it I'm thinking "please, just let me pass," but I didn't really have much hope. My grade... 98. Yah baby!
Too bad I ended up sick in bed all weekend. I had all the reason to celebrate and none of the motivation.
So Jaxy said something about shower curtains in her blog that reminded me of an old college prank. We had this really gullible sweetmate who always took showers about 7PM. Peak time for everyone to be in the dorms after getting home from classes/work and before going out for the evening. 3 or 4 times we threw his clothes into his room then locked the door so that he had to go through our room, out into the hall and into the front door of his dorm. After the first couple times he's just waltze on through saying, "yah guys, real funny. Never seen this before." Anyways, one time he comes through but we had locked his front door as well. Then after we got in our room we shut and locked that. Everyone on the hall all shut and locked their doors as well. But we had the windows open at both ends and it must have been thirty degrees outside. You can imagine what happens to a guy when everything is cold and wet... His girlfriend, and a few of her friends come running up the hall with cameras and he tries to crawl in a corner shrieking, "No! No pictures! Go away!"
You never know what might be going on, on the other side of that shower currtain.

Oh Thanx! Stay a few days whit my fam was great!!! 

XOXO ... happy day !!!