I was really sure that once I got to Ohio, everything would be fine. Something in me told me that the sweetness of being home would make everything better and for so long all had played out so well...
She might leave me...
I'm not supposed to know that, but damn, now that I know... All I want to do is love her, tell her what she means to me, make her the happiest girl ever... is that so bad?? Damn, do I ever love her and to watch it all fall away over a boy, I could gouge my own eyes out w/ a rusty spork...
All I wanna do is climb
Just a few feet more each day
But the hurricanes are coming
the seas more relentless each day
And I fall
sharp rocks
and I die to stop the pain...
She might leave me...
I'm not supposed to know that, but damn, now that I know... All I want to do is love her, tell her what she means to me, make her the happiest girl ever... is that so bad?? Damn, do I ever love her and to watch it all fall away over a boy, I could gouge my own eyes out w/ a rusty spork...
All I wanna do is climb
Just a few feet more each day
But the hurricanes are coming
the seas more relentless each day
And I fall
sharp rocks
and I die to stop the pain...