I think I felt my sanity slip away last night. Every new word he said killed me deeper and deeper until my mind felt blank and raw. The tiny shreads of trust I'd clung to so hard were snapped beneath my fingers and I just fell. I awoke this morning hard and cold (figuratively and physical, damn those couch cushions freeze...). I can't bring myself to think a straight thought. My brain is scattered to all ends...
The crew gets here on Thursday... it's so close to being over and yet at the same time it's still so far away. The next few days are going to be hectic to say the least. It feels like everytime I want to play peaceful, he wants a fucking hurricane. It's thrown a million new pieces into the picture and suddenly nothing is simple anymore. My out of work life in Norfolk is going to be scary. Every bit of trust has been taken from me slowly and I can't stand being alone... I can't win...
Oh, to be home again and in the safety that lies therein...
The crew gets here on Thursday... it's so close to being over and yet at the same time it's still so far away. The next few days are going to be hectic to say the least. It feels like everytime I want to play peaceful, he wants a fucking hurricane. It's thrown a million new pieces into the picture and suddenly nothing is simple anymore. My out of work life in Norfolk is going to be scary. Every bit of trust has been taken from me slowly and I can't stand being alone... I can't win...
Oh, to be home again and in the safety that lies therein...