So somehow, after an insane but of time later, i'm still here. we're still together. every day feels harder than the last, but somehow it's all getting a little bit easier. yeah, i know. nothing makes sense to me these days either. i've played in two derby bouts so far and made official "veteran" status at the ATL bout last month. we're going to philly next weekend for east coast extravaganza. i'm supposedly playing on sunday and will HOPEFULLY be sitting alternate on saturday. we'll see. i'm 80% sure that i'm going to be moving just north of albany sometime in november and i'm NOT excited about that. everything about my life feels like absolute chaos right now. f'n eh.

I PM'ed you back sexy lady! Derby sounds amazing. I used to rollerskate every weekend when I was a kid, and I've always been intrigued by roller derby, but don't have the time. It seems pretty sweet though

Thanks for the add beautiful!!