Bah. Life. Where to start. I'm beginning to think I did something terrible in my previous life, because fate keeps punching me in the stomach. I'm struggling to keep my head over water most days. So much is going so well, but at the same time... *sigh*
Work is kicking my ass. The hubby and I keep fighting over dumb shit. Grant it, I seem to start it, but it's his fault the shit keeps happening. You follow? I miss my angel more than I can say. I got to spend the day with her yesterday
I even hooked her up with an awesome photographer and we picked out her first set outfit yesterday. Can't wait to see, my love! ChaoticPenguin
My own photoshoots have been going rather well themselves. I'm anxiously awaiting Mar 8 when "The Outskirts" (by Artistic One) hits member review. I shot a hello kitty themed set with MasterLatte on the 9th, but haven't seen enough of that to know what we're going to do yet. Nieto (the same one about to shoot angel's set and all the real colorful stuff I just put up) and I have been talking about something early next month. I dunno, Angel, maybe we can do yours, mine AND ours
I did some artisitic stuff with Vertio (the black and whites I've got up) and those are more amazing than I ever imagined. A couple of other local photographers have asked me to do some stuff, so we're just hashing out details!! You should check out my pics and if you like what you see, I can give you their info!
Roller derby has been my savior these days. Any 18+ girls in the hampton roads area who need a serious vent for anger/frustration/violence/whatever, need to hit me up and come play this game. There's seriously nothing like it. It's fucking amazing.
Hubby and I are considerably less at each other's throats these days, but it's violent as ever when it does happen. Guess that's what happens when a stubborn, emotional Italian comes head to head with a violent, hot tempered Irishman. We're pretty much the worst couple ever. But I tell you what, you don' know real love until you've felt the way I feel when he holds me in his arms and tells me how much he loves me and needs me. It's frustrating and complicated, but I can't imagine surviving without him.
I suppose that's it. You kiddies have a nice day. I need to go be productive, haha.
XoXo Dem oXoX
Work is kicking my ass. The hubby and I keep fighting over dumb shit. Grant it, I seem to start it, but it's his fault the shit keeps happening. You follow? I miss my angel more than I can say. I got to spend the day with her yesterday

My own photoshoots have been going rather well themselves. I'm anxiously awaiting Mar 8 when "The Outskirts" (by Artistic One) hits member review. I shot a hello kitty themed set with MasterLatte on the 9th, but haven't seen enough of that to know what we're going to do yet. Nieto (the same one about to shoot angel's set and all the real colorful stuff I just put up) and I have been talking about something early next month. I dunno, Angel, maybe we can do yours, mine AND ours

Roller derby has been my savior these days. Any 18+ girls in the hampton roads area who need a serious vent for anger/frustration/violence/whatever, need to hit me up and come play this game. There's seriously nothing like it. It's fucking amazing.
Hubby and I are considerably less at each other's throats these days, but it's violent as ever when it does happen. Guess that's what happens when a stubborn, emotional Italian comes head to head with a violent, hot tempered Irishman. We're pretty much the worst couple ever. But I tell you what, you don' know real love until you've felt the way I feel when he holds me in his arms and tells me how much he loves me and needs me. It's frustrating and complicated, but I can't imagine surviving without him.
I suppose that's it. You kiddies have a nice day. I need to go be productive, haha.
XoXo Dem oXoX