Done been time!
I dropped off the face of the SG world, as the Navy became more and more controlling over my life. I have been free for over a year now, have transplanted to Atlanta, found a love in burlesque and a beautiful friend of mine has nudged me back in this direction. SO, updating updating updating. And hopefully I'll be in front of a camera again...
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I'm glad I could nudge you in the right direction ;) xoxoxo
welcome back.
I've always said... marriage is the leading cause of divorce
I wish you well in life

I wish you well in life

Yay! Good to see you've returned. Welcome back!!
yay #tattootuesday

In the forever flippy-floppy story of my life, things are going great. Crush has been totally removed from my life. Physically, but hey, I do what I can. Hubby went to VA for a week and I was absolutely miserable, so I'm super psyched that he's finally home. Tomorrow's my birthday! We're going to Moe's (Cuz I LOVE me some tofu burritos <3) and to...
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Stunna shades: thats what i think everytime i see your pic...
be in va the 27th to the 30th 

I would like to rip my eyeballs out of my head and throw every breakable object i own into the wall...
...except my cellphone...
why does he have to be so G.D. difficult!!! aaaarrrrgggghhhh >.<

...except my cellphone...
why does he have to be so G.D. difficult!!! aaaarrrrgggghhhh >.<

hit me up then
baby girl u know im here for yas
baby girl u know im here for yas
Cause we are guys.
So so so. Crush=crushed. Or being crushed. Doing what I can.
There's a Tally photographer that wants to work with me on a new set. I'm SUPER excited. It's been way too long since I've submitted something. I wanna make this dream come true!
The bout went amazing on Sunday. I played more in this game than most of my DDG season! I can't wait...
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There's a Tally photographer that wants to work with me on a new set. I'm SUPER excited. It's been way too long since I've submitted something. I wanna make this dream come true!
The bout went amazing on Sunday. I played more in this game than most of my DDG season! I can't wait...
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Thank you, babe!
Someone tell me, as a married woman, what to do when you develop a really bad crush!?!
Obviously, NOTHING, but how do you make it go away? Ugh! I totally feel 15 again and it's driving me crazy. I have nothing to feel bad about because I'm not DOING anything... but still... hmph...
I've got the itch for new ink... to get in front of...
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Obviously, NOTHING, but how do you make it go away? Ugh! I totally feel 15 again and it's driving me crazy. I have nothing to feel bad about because I'm not DOING anything... but still... hmph...
I've got the itch for new ink... to get in front of...
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Beeg thanks for the add.
Being honest is really important in a relationsip, i say, if you feel confortable talk about and see what's up.
Being honest is really important in a relationsip, i say, if you feel confortable talk about and see what's up.
Your season is still going on? The Tallahassee team finished up in October. Heck, they haven't had a home bout since July!
I've been in Jacksonville for about 3 weeks now. Loving every second of it. Work and derby keep me pretty busy, but getting a new set up is consistently in the back of my mind. Now that I'm back up with internet, I'm ready to start trying to hunt down a new photographer and see what I can get done. There's this secluded little shed...
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u r so damn beautiful!

So I'm completely and totally bummed not to be in FL already... I missed out on a once in a life time opportunity to shoot with Lorelei! I can't remember the last time I was so stoaked about a text message! She was only there two days and I'm visiting in OH. BLAST IT! Hopefully that means I'll have a better shot of getting...
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GOOD LUCK! I'm sure you'll do great!
I hear you happen to know my good friend, Matavareous. Best of luck to you in your pursuit of getting a killer set shot and submitted. 

If I deleted you and you had a hard time finding me because of the name change, I'm sorry, but that was my point. Problems at work *le sigh* and I'm trying to NOT get in trouble. Worst case scenerio I'll deleted this account and start all over. But if you found me, talk to me and let's be friends.
P.S. Anyone know a photographer...
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P.S. Anyone know a photographer...
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That is super cool! Can't wait and you look good on that bike!

oooh i want to see!