From my last update:
"I can't believe how badly the Red Sox are getting killed in the playoffs. DEpressing to say the least"
Been celebrating for about a week now. Amazing.
some thoughts:
I can't quite figure out if the Yankees blew this series or if the Sox were just too good those last few games. I'm leaning toward the former, especially when it comes down to Schillings game and the decision to: a) let Kevin Brown pitch; and: b)taking him out for Vazquez. Horrible moves by Torre. But this team lost in the preseason. They were designed to win 100 games (by beating the sub-par talent in the MLBA), but not designed to win the World Series. Big trouble for the Yanks next year. What to do with: Brown, Bernie, Giambi? Will ARod go back to his whining ways (playing 3rd is ok if you're going to win the WS....but if not...)?
Anyway, sorry about the Bahston Sports tahlk, doods...Nex time:More pointlessness.
"I can't believe how badly the Red Sox are getting killed in the playoffs. DEpressing to say the least"
Been celebrating for about a week now. Amazing.
some thoughts:
I can't quite figure out if the Yankees blew this series or if the Sox were just too good those last few games. I'm leaning toward the former, especially when it comes down to Schillings game and the decision to: a) let Kevin Brown pitch; and: b)taking him out for Vazquez. Horrible moves by Torre. But this team lost in the preseason. They were designed to win 100 games (by beating the sub-par talent in the MLBA), but not designed to win the World Series. Big trouble for the Yanks next year. What to do with: Brown, Bernie, Giambi? Will ARod go back to his whining ways (playing 3rd is ok if you're going to win the WS....but if not...)?
Anyway, sorry about the Bahston Sports tahlk, doods...Nex time:More pointlessness.
It wasn't your posts I was going to flag.
However, you approach isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to find a way to let the mods work it out, although I'm afraid he's "untouchable", so it's usually best to simply ignore him. :shrug:

Yep. I'm also geekgurl on there.