I birthed my first review this week...kicking and screaming, it should be published in a month and a half or so (why is it, when i get on the internet my grammar gives me the middle finger and says "outta here").
Burnt out from working an eight hour shift at the art factory(aka the museum) and coming home to write for another couple of hours.
Big self-improvement task for the Fall-Better fucking posture. I stoop like my name is quasimodo (and it's not).
Journal comments hit 28 on my last entry! two pages! wooty-woo! I have internet friends! exclamation point!
The Futureheads
The Go! team
Roland Barthes
Burnt out from working an eight hour shift at the art factory(aka the museum) and coming home to write for another couple of hours.
Big self-improvement task for the Fall-Better fucking posture. I stoop like my name is quasimodo (and it's not).
Journal comments hit 28 on my last entry! two pages! wooty-woo! I have internet friends! exclamation point!
The Futureheads
The Go! team
Roland Barthes
ah, we may not agree about writing, but everone loves to rant when its cold and rainy. here's to that.
editing is hard work, and most of the stuff that goes up in the writers group is raw, its so close to the bone then editing is impossible(i'm not just speaking for me here, i think a lot of people do it that way). but editing is hard goddamn work, the least fun part of writing stuff, but easily one of the most important yeah.