Reasons why life is good:
1)The Red Sox win the World Series! I never thought I would be able to say that. Just wow. Just wish I had been there to see it.
2)New Theremin! Seriously amazing.
3)Nanowrimo began today. I am determined. (look it up)
So, even though it grows cold outside, I have a lot of shit to focus on inside. Which makes...
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1)The Red Sox win the World Series! I never thought I would be able to say that. Just wow. Just wish I had been there to see it.
2)New Theremin! Seriously amazing.
3)Nanowrimo began today. I am determined. (look it up)
So, even though it grows cold outside, I have a lot of shit to focus on inside. Which makes...
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Hmmm... my parents made decent $, but didn't help me a bit with college. So I think I should have rec'd as much assistance as someone whose parents made much less. So no Democratic Party for me.
you got game! 

From my last update:
"I can't believe how badly the Red Sox are getting killed in the playoffs. DEpressing to say the least"
Been celebrating for about a week now. Amazing.
some thoughts:
I can't quite figure out if the Yankees blew this series or if the Sox were just too good those last few games. I'm leaning toward the former, especially when it...
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"I can't believe how badly the Red Sox are getting killed in the playoffs. DEpressing to say the least"
Been celebrating for about a week now. Amazing.
some thoughts:
I can't quite figure out if the Yankees blew this series or if the Sox were just too good those last few games. I'm leaning toward the former, especially when it...
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It wasn't your posts I was going to flag.
However, you approach isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to find a way to let the mods work it out, although I'm afraid he's "untouchable", so it's usually best to simply ignore him. :shrug:

Yep. I'm also geekgurl on there. 

Another pointless update!!
Well, I gotta say, i am getting so goddamned sick of the election. What's amazing to me is that there are still undecided voters out there! What the fuck are you all confused about? What more do you want to hear? Attention whores! that's what i call you. I'll be glad when it is over....and let's hope that Bush is gone.
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Well, I gotta say, i am getting so goddamned sick of the election. What's amazing to me is that there are still undecided voters out there! What the fuck are you all confused about? What more do you want to hear? Attention whores! that's what i call you. I'll be glad when it is over....and let's hope that Bush is gone.
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We are there. no sweat!

Nope, Im in Prospect Heights. I really doubt there are any sox fans around here! hehe...actually i think i can hear some sobbing...actually make that complaining and blaming.

It always seems like I'm updating when I have the least amount to talk about.
Have had some houseguests over...for too long. They are from FLA and kinda got trapped up here, as Charley hit their hometown pretty hard. I feel bad and all, but now I'm at the point where it's time to get your shit, and get the fuck out!
I'm doing this...
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Have had some houseguests over...for too long. They are from FLA and kinda got trapped up here, as Charley hit their hometown pretty hard. I feel bad and all, but now I'm at the point where it's time to get your shit, and get the fuck out!
I'm doing this...
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just finished a feast of snakes, just this morning after waking up shaking from all the jim beam i drank last night.
that book, its thougths and my tempermant compliment each other in dangerous ways. i have gleeful violence on the brain now.
that book, its thougths and my tempermant compliment each other in dangerous ways. i have gleeful violence on the brain now.
I think its time for a new update

Long time between updates...
Took a trip to Cape Cod (fried clams...yummm) and the weather has been too good here (finally) to 'journalize'.
There is something about early fall that gives me such a weird sort of melancholy. Not like i'm sad, really. It's kind of a 'happy to be sad' feeling. Like the summers over, but life goes on. Hard to explain. Anyone else...
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Took a trip to Cape Cod (fried clams...yummm) and the weather has been too good here (finally) to 'journalize'.
There is something about early fall that gives me such a weird sort of melancholy. Not like i'm sad, really. It's kind of a 'happy to be sad' feeling. Like the summers over, but life goes on. Hard to explain. Anyone else...
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boston's (new england's) got everything you could ever ask for as well...and we're only 3 hours from nyc so...
I'm just a die hard NE lover don't mind me...hehe...
oh and I was going to ask to be friends first just so I could keep you in my back pocket for this amazing race idea we've got going. I think you think I'm kidding but I'm not.
I aplogize for implying you weren't buff...I just meant you should now get SUPER buff...

I'm just a die hard NE lover don't mind me...hehe...
oh and I was going to ask to be friends first just so I could keep you in my back pocket for this amazing race idea we've got going. I think you think I'm kidding but I'm not.

I aplogize for implying you weren't buff...I just meant you should now get SUPER buff...

bad photshop skills!
tsk tsk.
(re: comments in the 105 thread)
you'll still be my friend and go on the race with me right?
tsk tsk.

(re: comments in the 105 thread)
you'll still be my friend and go on the race with me right?

I birthed my first review this week...kicking and screaming, it should be published in a month and a half or so (why is it, when i get on the internet my grammar gives me the middle finger and says "outta here").
Burnt out from working an eight hour shift at the art factory(aka the museum) and coming home to write for another couple of hours....
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Burnt out from working an eight hour shift at the art factory(aka the museum) and coming home to write for another couple of hours....
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ah, we may not agree about writing, but everone loves to rant when its cold and rainy. here's to that.
editing is hard work, and most of the stuff that goes up in the writers group is raw, its so close to the bone then editing is impossible(i'm not just speaking for me here, i think a lot of people do it that way). but editing is hard goddamn work, the least fun part of writing stuff, but easily one of the most important yeah.
So, I'm adding some pics here...slowly
Check out the one of me lifting the A Team Van...I think you'll agree that it may very well be the best pic of ALL TIME!!
Lets see: A-Team van? Check. Tiny booty shorts?Check. Knee high socks? Check. Girls checking my ass out? Check. Awesomeness? Check-Mate!!
Speaking of Awesomeness, I got that job reviewing books! So I rule, it...
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Check out the one of me lifting the A Team Van...I think you'll agree that it may very well be the best pic of ALL TIME!!
Lets see: A-Team van? Check. Tiny booty shorts?Check. Knee high socks? Check. Girls checking my ass out? Check. Awesomeness? Check-Mate!!
Speaking of Awesomeness, I got that job reviewing books! So I rule, it...
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Thanks for the Planet of the Apes link. I just downloaded it and watched it. While I would have done things a little differently (I think he was hemmed in by the musical soundtrack a little... not wanting it to be too choppy), it was a great job. He picked a perfect closing monolog.
i say fuck the man.

Hey, who likes being sick in the heat of summer???
Not me, fuckers!!
I've had some time to write, though...applying for a job writing book reviews for a magazine whose name i will not mention. But you've heard of it. Freelance shit, but its gotta beat working at the museum and doing freelance proofreading(yes, this shitty speller is a proofreader! As Don King sez, "only...
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Not me, fuckers!!
I've had some time to write, though...applying for a job writing book reviews for a magazine whose name i will not mention. But you've heard of it. Freelance shit, but its gotta beat working at the museum and doing freelance proofreading(yes, this shitty speller is a proofreader! As Don King sez, "only...
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Is that profile pic Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby? With photoshopping to make them look like a band?
That is funny as hell. I've seen it small on the boards, but always just sort of though it was some guy playing a sax.
That is fucking hilarious.
That is fucking hilarious.
Things have slowed down, and thats all for the better. I'm enjoying the weather, and just trying to relax...which ain't easy when one of the buildings targeted in the new terror threat is 5 blocks from where I work! Ah, well, such is life in Midtown (money-makin')Manhattan in the new century.
Not sure if this changes my mind on sticking around here for the Republican...
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Not sure if this changes my mind on sticking around here for the Republican...
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Some people need to get laid, and some people really need to get some sex.
Some people need to get laid, and some people really need to get some sex.
So, to update....(thanks for the hint, n8tvegrl )...
Have decided against confessing, just seems like it would cause everyone a lot of pain. Honesty is best, i guess...but sometimes you have to 'live in the world' and see that telling the whole truth might not be the best for ANYONE, my girlfriend and the 'other woman's ' fiancee included (of course, i see that all...
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Have decided against confessing, just seems like it would cause everyone a lot of pain. Honesty is best, i guess...but sometimes you have to 'live in the world' and see that telling the whole truth might not be the best for ANYONE, my girlfriend and the 'other woman's ' fiancee included (of course, i see that all...
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saw tv on the radio out here a few months ago. they truly rocked my socks off. i think they're the bees' knees.
and you're not kidding?? damn... he is one lucky fuck. that would be about the best thing i can think of doing for a year.