Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been a little busy with life.
So as most of you know I'm married to my handsome husband and have been for 3, almost 4 years and we have what we call an open marriage.
We are allowed to see other women and long as we're completely honest with each other which has worked successfully for us. Most women would think I'm crazy for being ok with sharing my man but I know that he loves me and he'll never betray me and I wouldn't betray him. We're crazy about each other but since I am bisexual a man doesn't always do it for me. So since I'm married and bi it's truthfully almost impossible to find a woman who would be interested in you let alone both you and your husband. But by fate itself we've managed to get ourselves a girlfriend and I'm completely enamored with this beauty. I met her at beauty school when I went back for the second time and we often hung but no more then that. I always thought she was beautiful and had a personality similar to my own and I really though she was amazing as did my husband. I remember we used to discuss that if we could have one chick to actually have as a girlfriend shed be it. So a few days ago my hubby texted her to ask her questions about her tattoo he was designing and she had sent a picture of her hip to display where she wanted it. The he mentioned as a nice jester she looked good and the tattoos will accentuate that. One thing lead to another to her confessing that she had always wanted to tell me and my husband that she liked us both individually but never had it in her to tell us. Then which we both told her how we like her and bing, bang, boom We have a girlfriend
Sounds weird to you, but it just works for us. Either way shes amazing and Im glad to have her and my husband in my life

She's so beautiful!
So as most of you know I'm married to my handsome husband and have been for 3, almost 4 years and we have what we call an open marriage.

We are allowed to see other women and long as we're completely honest with each other which has worked successfully for us. Most women would think I'm crazy for being ok with sharing my man but I know that he loves me and he'll never betray me and I wouldn't betray him. We're crazy about each other but since I am bisexual a man doesn't always do it for me. So since I'm married and bi it's truthfully almost impossible to find a woman who would be interested in you let alone both you and your husband. But by fate itself we've managed to get ourselves a girlfriend and I'm completely enamored with this beauty. I met her at beauty school when I went back for the second time and we often hung but no more then that. I always thought she was beautiful and had a personality similar to my own and I really though she was amazing as did my husband. I remember we used to discuss that if we could have one chick to actually have as a girlfriend shed be it. So a few days ago my hubby texted her to ask her questions about her tattoo he was designing and she had sent a picture of her hip to display where she wanted it. The he mentioned as a nice jester she looked good and the tattoos will accentuate that. One thing lead to another to her confessing that she had always wanted to tell me and my husband that she liked us both individually but never had it in her to tell us. Then which we both told her how we like her and bing, bang, boom We have a girlfriend

Sounds weird to you, but it just works for us. Either way shes amazing and Im glad to have her and my husband in my life

She's so beautiful!
shit. i'm jealous lol. good for you
i dont even have one person, and here you got two! congrats 

that girl is hot