Well so far the events leading up to my b-day have been awesome. First Walace took me to painted earth and that was amazing. After that the owners of our tattoo shop bought me a trip to the spa for my b-day and I got a facil and a massage, pure heaven
Then my hubby baked a cake for me, too cute 

After that I actually went out to take some pictures in attempts to better my skills,
heres one of my hubby and son

Love those too.
Then yesterday my in-laws bought me a new camera case for my b-day. It's perfect too, portable, lockable and unbreakable.
I also went to the local thrift store and bought some close for my new set
That's right! I'm hoping to shoot next week or the following if the weather goes bad. I'm also working on a new set with Walace. It requires some building though but that should be done next week as well.
Well that's it for now

After that I actually went out to take some pictures in attempts to better my skills,
heres one of my hubby and son

Love those too.
Then yesterday my in-laws bought me a new camera case for my b-day. It's perfect too, portable, lockable and unbreakable.
I also went to the local thrift store and bought some close for my new set

happy birthday!!
you are nice girl!
Best of luck with your new set.