Well it's only a week away from my 22 birthday, I'm really hoping for the best this birthday. Every year it gets ruined and this year I just want to have a special birthday. I'd be gay and post my wishlist on here but I know better. One I feel bad reciving gifts from others and two I probably wouldn't get any gifts anywho, lol. It's all wishful thinking. Plans are still on to go to Disneyland tho so that's good
I'm also seeing about taking digital photography classes at the local jr college. I've come to realize that I need help, and if I don't get it my dreams of being a SG will be dust in the wind. I'm seriously considering shooting with a staff photographer but not only am I nervous about it but I just have a feeling they'll tell me "NO!"
Don't ask, I just always fear rejection, like I'm not good enough. It's like I'm waiting for someone to ask me and I know it's not going to happen, I'm strange sometimes... I'm also trying to invest in a monitor calibrator because my screen is so deciving! Only problem is almost no one sells them, they only sell you the service of doing it for you for 4x the amount. It's insanity! A cheap calibrator runs about $40-$70, the service is $300!!! WTF!
Anyways, I did pictures for Inked Souls again, check it out

That's my hubby on the right
The DJ had a shitty fog macine going on and off and it was just messing up my pictures, very disapointing
Also my efforts of frinding a friend isn't going well, the gals with Inked Souls are sweet and I don't mind hanging out with them but I don't see long term friendship since we all have very different views on life. Technically the company is a Metal Mullisha type of colthing, there into the white power ideas which kinda doesn't make sence since there all Mexican, but you can't tell them that. I'm used to people like that cuz that's pretty much Southern California and since I'm a super pale half Mexican, half White, I'm a nutral and I'm cool with everyone. Although I can tolerate these people I'm not quite as ignorant as them. Either way, finding a local, good friend, may never happen.

Anyways, I did pictures for Inked Souls again, check it out

That's my hubby on the right

The DJ had a shitty fog macine going on and off and it was just messing up my pictures, very disapointing

Also my efforts of frinding a friend isn't going well, the gals with Inked Souls are sweet and I don't mind hanging out with them but I don't see long term friendship since we all have very different views on life. Technically the company is a Metal Mullisha type of colthing, there into the white power ideas which kinda doesn't make sence since there all Mexican, but you can't tell them that. I'm used to people like that cuz that's pretty much Southern California and since I'm a super pale half Mexican, half White, I'm a nutral and I'm cool with everyone. Although I can tolerate these people I'm not quite as ignorant as them. Either way, finding a local, good friend, may never happen.

I never understood the mexican white power folks, so odd
Haaaappppyyyyyyy a few days early birthhhhhhhddaaaayyyyyy!!!!!