I need friends, real friends. Seriously, no one comes and supports me a things I do, I never have that one cool person I can always count on or hang out with. I feel soooo lame. Walace and I are cool but our schedules never allow us to just take time to hang out. I've never really had a real friend and I'm really getting tired of being such a loner. I mean I can make friends but it's like I can't keep friends or find real friends. Most of my friends are aquintences really and that saddens me.
I'm so disappioneted right now, especially since my birthday is comming up. Every year it the same thing I envite everyone over to celebrate my birthday but no one shows, wtf. Is it me, am I a horrible person or something? I don't get it
Anyways other than being depressed about being a friendless loser...
Thursdays photoshoot for Inked Souls Clothing went pretty well, got some good pictures, met some new people and drank some beer. Here are a few of the pics, the rest are in my photography album.

Yea that's me on the right, yes my hair is now blue 

Anyways other than being depressed about being a friendless loser...
Thursdays photoshoot for Inked Souls Clothing went pretty well, got some good pictures, met some new people and drank some beer. Here are a few of the pics, the rest are in my photography album.

I need one too.
Ug. I moved around too much to have one of those friends you get since childhood.
I completely understand.

Yeah it sucks that our scheduals are so crazy today is the first morning in like a month I'm actually relaxing driking my coffee instead of preparing to go somewhere :/ abpnd then our hubbies scheduals have to be taken into account and they can be such a pain in the ass to deal with you just stop asking haha kno what I mean? Ugh. Well lemme know when you want to hang out for your birthday and I'll make sure I'll be there by hook or by crook
love you sweetheart! Feel free to text anytime for a chat! My phone is been sending my texts to me at a bit of a delay but I'll get back to you asap
much love! And cheer up a bit hun this too shall pass
xxx your bestess buddy!