Well I'm happy to hear everyone loves my new hair as much as I do
I do plan on keeping for a long time.
Anywho, I got my new Dell!!! My little brother droped it off at the tattoo shop for me on Saturday and I'm loving it
All the guys at the shop were so jelous, lol. It's so awesome tho, I have wireless internet so now I'm not limited to the interenet and I can start doing more shoots now that I have a laptop to save them on and I can start photoshoping my pictures. Infact here's a sample of my new set 

I can't quite tell if my screen is too bright or if the picture is too bright but that's definetly not the final picture. I think I'm just going to start over because the screen on my old laptop was deffinetly tricking me on the contrast of my final pictures. I also have two other sets I have planed to self shoot so I'm pretty excited for that. Yup, that's pretty much it
PS: Just joined Twitter, come find me

Anywho, I got my new Dell!!! My little brother droped it off at the tattoo shop for me on Saturday and I'm loving it

I can't quite tell if my screen is too bright or if the picture is too bright but that's definetly not the final picture. I think I'm just going to start over because the screen on my old laptop was deffinetly tricking me on the contrast of my final pictures. I also have two other sets I have planed to self shoot so I'm pretty excited for that. Yup, that's pretty much it

PS: Just joined Twitter, come find me

I can't live without laptop...it's a bit sad but it's true!
I'm fine thank you...e I tell you sometihing....I LOVE YOUR NEW HAIRSTYLE!!!