WOOooo.... I'm feeling MUCH better today. I obviously had to much going on in my life and I just needed a break from it. My laptop is officially dead, and that was stressing me out but now I see it's ok it broke, it was mean to be. Now I can take a well needed break and I can get a new one for my birthday next month
SO my anxiety is claming and I'm not dying.... I just have a decent chest cold and I'm all congested
but I do want to thank everyone for there tips and compassion
Soooo unfortunately I have a new set but have only edited 3 pictures and it'll be on hold until I do get me new laptop
Other than that, I'm going to get some rest and relaxation and mybe write to someone in the PenPals group

yes rest is good
Yep. When my panic attacks run amuck on me, I become a hypochondriac. I can find 10 things that are some aliment that will kill me. I used to think I was having heart problems. Now I'm beyond that into all types of gland and organ disorders....ohhhh LOL. My wife would agree %100. When I couldn't find drugs I'd pace and wash my hands a lot, couldn't lay down but standing freaked me out too. It kinda made me feel like I was crazy. So, I'd take a loooooong hot shower and try to sleep. After hours It occasionally worked for me. They have gotten worse and DO need to have a xanax around incase it happens. It really fucking sucks. I've always been a weirdo and will admit I was crazy but I guess now it's just official. I remember in a movie called Human Traffic there was a scene of an after-party where they were rollin all night and the main character had inner-monologue going on, asking if they have traded years of sanity for moments of pleasure. All I did for YEARS was DJ and eat beans. I DJd for work so this was an every night party that didn't stop for like 6 years. I wonder. TATTOO APPRENTICE ARE WE.... sweet, me too. I've been at it for a bit and charge some people if I don't know them but don't have my own station in the shop I "work" in. It's cool. The owner of the shop can build the shit out of machines and he's taught me that which was cool. Good luck with your apprenticeship. Mine will officially be over in June-ish. Peace out