Took a couple pics as we came up to the F.S.K. bridge while the sun was setting! The other 2 r of Downtown Baltimore n the port of Baltimore as we crossed the bridge! These pics don't do the sunset justice but I'll post them anyway!
Haven't posted anything in a while so I figured I'd post my last job of 2019! Not complete yet but will be before the new yr! More to come! It is a 15x10 shed in Towson, MD.
Replaced the old rotten wood from the bottom of the bay windows with new PVC (Azek) trim! Used 1x4, 1x6, 1x8, n OG trim over top of 3/8x4x8 sheet goods cut to size!
I haven't posted anything in a while so I figured I'd post something I did today! Replaced all rotten wood trim to PVC (Azeck) trim! All old now all new!
Just thought these sun-ray pics were cool! Maybe brighten someone's day up, my day was pretty good so I figured I'd share the wealth!
I just wanted to thank all the beautiful people that r following me, for following me of course 🤪, lol! So thank u guys! ❤❤ Can I get to 40 now, 🤔 lol!
Did a little cedar siding today in Towson, MD.