Hi everyone,
I've been gone too long from the site. I miss it here. Unfortunately I've been sleeping on my friends couch for months with no Internet connection. Forgive my random dissapearing acts. I'm trying to buy a condo in Burbank the town I work in. And loans take forever nowadays. And I can't go onto suicide girls at work.
I hope all of my...
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I've been gone too long from the site. I miss it here. Unfortunately I've been sleeping on my friends couch for months with no Internet connection. Forgive my random dissapearing acts. I'm trying to buy a condo in Burbank the town I work in. And loans take forever nowadays. And I can't go onto suicide girls at work.
I hope all of my...
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welcome back - disappearance acts are okay

I'm back! Hello!!! xxx
working late, drawing cartoons. That is all.

How are you?
Kat xxxxxx
How are you?
Kat xxxxxx
I'm doing. good. Looking for another job though.
What have you been up too? Are you coming over yet
Kat xxxx
What have you been up too? Are you coming over yet

Kat xxxx

A week ago I drowned my iPhone and learned from the Apple store "genius" that water isn't covered in my extended warrenty. Bye bye iPhone.
That Saturday I went out on a 3rd date with a girl who asked for my number. The first two dates were with other people. So this was the first time it was just the two of us. I thought...
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That Saturday I went out on a 3rd date with a girl who asked for my number. The first two dates were with other people. So this was the first time it was just the two of us. I thought...
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I'm sorry to hear of your accident. I hope things are settled quickly.
Thank you so much for your complement on my artwork!
Thank you so much for your complement on my artwork!
i'm dong good, thanks! School sucks, but hey move on. That beach house looks tres fun!!! i'm jealous to every extent.
Warning: Whiney rant ahead!!!
My ex wants to hang out and be my facebook friend. Like I really want to be updated on her relationship status and be informed all day about what her and her new fella are up to. Why do they ex's that fuck you over royally and cheated on you and treated you like shit ALWAYS want to become your buddy...
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My ex wants to hang out and be my facebook friend. Like I really want to be updated on her relationship status and be informed all day about what her and her new fella are up to. Why do they ex's that fuck you over royally and cheated on you and treated you like shit ALWAYS want to become your buddy...
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Yes...yes we are!

Wow thats so cool! Have you done any others?
So I'm hungover from my friends bachelor party last night. I didn't drink all that much but I did have a rather large shot of Jager. (Evil evil stuff that Jagermeister.
) It was a pretty mellow party; no strip club,s no strippers showing up at the apartment. We just went bar hopping. Well everyone else went bar hopping. I only made it to the...
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Bad news...my dad called animal control but thought that they were the humane society. He asked them what would happen to her and they said they'd put her down in a week if they couldn't find her owners or a new home so my dad wouldn't let them take her. But they then checked their list and a female german shepherd was reported missing so they called the owners and put them in touch with us. She only stayed one night and they were her owners. Yay! But now my dad wants one.
Sorry about your puppys
After studying again for another month I didn't get the score I needed on the gmat. I did so good on the practice tests. I'm not a happy person right now
Sorry about your puppys

After studying again for another month I didn't get the score I needed on the gmat. I did so good on the practice tests. I'm not a happy person right now
haha. I miss the greens. but yeah no mixing 4 my weak arse, eew I can't do jaeger.... I'm glad you had a good one though...
So much to do today. I've got to clean my house a bit (it's just filthy.) I wish I had time to clean the place completely but I also have to go to work and finish the story I've been working on. (It's due tuesday and I'm only halfway there.) Around ten o'clock tonight I'm heading to downtown L.A. for my friends birthday party. It's...
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Thanks for commenting my set 

yeahhh, lots of fun with these video, and is the most important jajajaja
waw clean the house, I think I need to do the same... ijijijiij
waw clean the house, I think I need to do the same... ijijijiij

Saw my oldest friend last night. He's visiting from oregon for a couple days and I hadn't seen him in a couple years. We took in a showing of the Dark Knight on friday. It was a very good movie but at two and a half hours long I could've used some editing. I'm sure my friends would consider this blasphemy but I don't think...
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glad you enjoy 

Yeah...thanks for reminding me! 

Well I asked my friend out...and she has a boyfriend. Crap and double crap. I'd been hanging out with her for a few days on and off at work. And every conversation we had she'd bring up her Ex-Boyfriend. Usually when a girl keeps mentioning her recent ex it's a glowing sign of unattached. I'll just have to revise that theory.
Ah well it's not...
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Ah well it's not...
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Thanks for the idea! I'll have to think about it and come up with something. But I have my final exam tomorrow so I can't think about it till after then.
I wish I could offer something on this Yoga thing but I've never tried Yoga so I've got nothing for ya! HOpe your week is going fabulous!
I wish I could offer something on this Yoga thing but I've never tried Yoga so I've got nothing for ya! HOpe your week is going fabulous!

So I totally just saw your comments on my pictures from like a month ago! So sorry about that.
Thank you! I've actually had quite a few people say that I looked like I was up to something in that picture.
And I was in the stocks because I went to Nottingham, England and they have a Robin Hood place to walk through. So they had that there and I was the only one that would get in it. They didn't lock it. I took a picture with a guy dressed as Robin Hood there too! It helps to have an American accent!
Thank you! I've actually had quite a few people say that I looked like I was up to something in that picture.
And I was in the stocks because I went to Nottingham, England and they have a Robin Hood place to walk through. So they had that there and I was the only one that would get in it. They didn't lock it. I took a picture with a guy dressed as Robin Hood there too! It helps to have an American accent!
So I'm going on hiatus next week. I'll have two weeks off but I'm not sure what to do with the time. I want to go camping or take a trip but I'll probably have to work on my house again.
I've got to get it ready to put on the market. It's a crappy time to sell but I'll be buying a house at...
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I'm so envious of your time off. Not so envious of your home selling.
I work over in Burbank, but I live in Studio City. Both perfect places for the summer 100+ heat.
I work over in Burbank, but I live in Studio City. Both perfect places for the summer 100+ heat.

enjoy your time off!

Had a full weeked this time. Went out and had a few drinks with some friends from work. Everything was great until the girls ordered blue kamikazes. I knew I shouldn't have drank it. I should never drink anything blue. I'm fine on just straight scotch but sugary stuff kills me. My friends were fine but I spent the rest of the night really sick...
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Well, it wouldn't be anywhere near as competitive as in the US, but we also live in a small town and my husband is well known and trusted in the IT business here. All of our work so far has been locally. It might be a bit harder to get business when we move down south next month. We'll have to get off our butts and actually sell ourselves.
Yeah, it kinda annoys me when people take a stance on something and they haven't even read the book or whatever. My brother makes fun of Harry Potter. Says it's a cult or something just to get people going. But he won't watch the movies or read the books because he's stubborn. But other than that I'm lucky. No one really says anything about them to me.
I want to see the Hulk movie!
I want to see the Hulk movie!