' I am constantly questioning and reevaluating myself and my spiritual beliefs. This questioning has led me to an exploration of the ideas of fate and free will. Fate is the past, a romanticized view of the world and my place in it. I use jellyfish and honey bees as metaphors for the two different ways I look at fate. Jellyfish represent the darker side of my viewpoint, as it is a creature with no brain, so therefore it only consumes and reproduces. The bee is the other side, a member of a society that is so harmonious that a hive can be considered one creature. At the same time, to be that much a part of a society is like being a part in a machine, and individuality is lost. Through free will, the most beautiful thing a human can have, choice, is gained. But this too carries a double edged sword, as to having choice allows pain, disappointment, etc. As with most things in life, this has left me struggling to find a balance between the two. This video is the fate side of a video installation.'
-the dude who made this
my name izZz bEe JELLYFISH!
The summary on amazon really doesn't do the book any justice.
Buddhists have known for thousands of years that the ego is illusory and leads to suffering. Philosophers disproved the concept of free will centuries ago. In the earlier twentieth centuries physicists did the same. In the 70s research on brain surgery patients proved that a primitive unconcious part of the brain decides to take any action nanoseconds before activity in our conscious brain occurs and we think that it is the moment we made a "free" decision, when it really was already decided. Social biologists and neurologists attribute the evolution of a part of the brain creating the illusion of autonomy and conscious choice as having an advantage is group dynamics.
Once you give in to fate, you are free to live powerfully and happily inside it.
We're no better than jellyfish. The Universe is a superorganism.
Quit fighting it and bee the best jellyfish bee you can.
I can send you more information if your curious about any of the claims made above.
Peace, Nate