I am about to quit the company I've been working for for the past 8 years. They just made a bunch of layoffs in the office and so I'm a little worried. The VP called me right after they told the unfortunate ones and assured me that they are going to keep me no matter what, that I would be the last project manager to be let go if it comes to that.
It sounded good to hear that but I'm not going to wait around to get laid off. I updated my resume and sent it out and in a week I got three offers. The problem now is where to go. The one for the most money is in South Korea, the next would be in China and the one I really want but is the lesser salary would be in Costa Rica. I've lived in China and it wasn't so bad and I'm thinking Korea would be about the same. I also lived in Costa Rica and absolutely loved it. I speak the language, I love the beach, and I've already been looking at buying property there.
I have a month to make up my mind.
It sounded good to hear that but I'm not going to wait around to get laid off. I updated my resume and sent it out and in a week I got three offers. The problem now is where to go. The one for the most money is in South Korea, the next would be in China and the one I really want but is the lesser salary would be in Costa Rica. I've lived in China and it wasn't so bad and I'm thinking Korea would be about the same. I also lived in Costa Rica and absolutely loved it. I speak the language, I love the beach, and I've already been looking at buying property there.
I have a month to make up my mind.
It's very artsy and gory at the same time 

there's somebody for everybody....and it's not always easy, but it's worth it
i hope you find it too