Have you ever stopped for a few minutes and wonder how the hell you have ended up where you are at in life. I did that last night, granted it lasted for a couple of hours instead of a couple minutes. This might be a normal thing for most people but I had never really thought about how I had ended up where I am today.
One moment stuck out as a catalyst for my career but there were a lot of little things that have happened in between that steered me here. When I graduated from high school I had no path at all, no goals, no job but the funny thing was it didn't scare me. In the back of my mind I always knew I would do whatever to survive. Today the thought of not having a job or path scares the hell out of me. I think it would scare most people.
Of course thinking about where I've been made me start thinking about where I'm headed. I have had goals that I've been working on and doing quite well on some of them I might add but I think I'm going to need to do some re evaluating. Five years ago I knew where I would be today, not physically because my job keeps me in new locations every year or so but building golf courses somewhere in the world. That being said I really can't say where I'll be in the next five years. The thought of that scares me but inside I still know I'll do whatever I have to to survive.
One moment stuck out as a catalyst for my career but there were a lot of little things that have happened in between that steered me here. When I graduated from high school I had no path at all, no goals, no job but the funny thing was it didn't scare me. In the back of my mind I always knew I would do whatever to survive. Today the thought of not having a job or path scares the hell out of me. I think it would scare most people.
Of course thinking about where I've been made me start thinking about where I'm headed. I have had goals that I've been working on and doing quite well on some of them I might add but I think I'm going to need to do some re evaluating. Five years ago I knew where I would be today, not physically because my job keeps me in new locations every year or so but building golf courses somewhere in the world. That being said I really can't say where I'll be in the next five years. The thought of that scares me but inside I still know I'll do whatever I have to to survive.
I dread the moment that I have that sort of existential angst.