At the risk of sounding like a chic I have to say I am upset at the fact I cut my hair. I had gone about seven months without cutting it and it had gotten quite long. I told people I was going for the Tom Seleck look (Quigley Down Under version). I was doing a damn good job of getting there when for some unknown reason I just walked into the local Great Clips and had the girl wack it off.
It was definitely the longest it had ever been in my life and I sometimes didn't know what to do with it but I liked it. Of course a few people gave me a hard time about it but I just liked having it. I didn't really know how long I was going to go without cutting in and I joked a couple of times about putting it into a ponytail. I don't think I would ever put my hair into a ponytail, that just seems unmanly to me for some reason but it was almost to the point I could if I wanted to.
Now I am back to the starting line. I just need to wait about six months, four days and twelve hours to get back to my Tom look and be happy again. Looking at my life as a whole that's not that long to wait for happiness I guess.

Lucky Sod... I remember when I had real hair issues.. Slayer was opening for Cinderella and Achtung Baby hadn't even been written.... that's the past... I'm envious

i <3 u