Things really aren't so bad. I woke, threw on some clothes, drove to the beach and just did absolutely nothing all morning. It was a good feeling. It felt so good I drank a beer at 9:00am , that's not normal for me but it just felt right. I thought about friends and family and troubles that some people I know are going through and everything in my life seemed to be OK. I'm very thankful for that. The way I see it things could be worse, a lot worse. I'll be back in the states soon and will be back to what I call a normal routine. I hope I can keep a little of the peace that I've found here with me.
Wow... there's really nothing like the beach in the morning, is there? I think that's what I miss so much now - I was raised on an island and I'm now landlocked. I'm happy you've got some peace in your life, and I hope it sticks with you always.