Since I figure by default I must believe in something I reason that the best course of action regarding my personal beliefs is to search out positive useful beliefs or dogma (in the personal sense). I'm not too attached to any thing I've settled on so far though because it is my experience that the universe is full of subtle surprises that can completely reverse long and common held beliefs.
The essay I just added to my web site is about one of my personal beliefs that of universal wholeness. Check it out and let me know what you think. Good or bad. Although the bad will make me cry.
The essay can be found under the writings section on my site
The essay I just added to my web site is about one of my personal beliefs that of universal wholeness. Check it out and let me know what you think. Good or bad. Although the bad will make me cry.

The essay can be found under the writings section on my site
useful belief number one: everyone is trying to do their best