Ugh. I will never mix that much whiskey with wine ever again. I had my first hangover in years the other day. It wasn't so bad but it made me oversleep and waste most of the day which is never fun but live and learn I guess.
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 11, 2006
Won't some cute female just stoop to my level long enough to take m… -
Sunday Apr 09, 2006
No one loves me in the sense that I have no one to hang out with. -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
Bleh. -
Saturday Dec 10, 2005
I've reached the ultimate low for a nerd such as myself: I'm so broke… -
Sunday Oct 30, 2005
A little something I wrote in honor of the frustruation, heartache an… -
Wednesday Oct 05, 2005
One of the worst feelings in the world is being up late at night, zon… -
Thursday Sep 29, 2005
Just broke up with my girlfriend of about 5 years. It's too much pain… -
Tuesday Aug 30, 2005
I listened to Fugazi's In On The Kill Taker today for the 1st time in… -
Friday Aug 12, 2005
Yay! I'm not a particularly vain or superficial person but I feel so … -
Tuesday Jun 28, 2005
Since I figure by default I must believe in something I reason that t…