So I'm sitting in my freinds room while shes showering and i feel like im going to barf every 5 seconds, even though i took alot of pepto bismol. this is a very appropriate morning considering the amount or rum and pinapple juice and fucking i partook in last night. ughh.puke but it still sucks. and i hate throwing up. its my #1 loathsome thing...
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Throwing up is probably one of the crappiest things in life, other then getting hit by a train. I like Philly too, lots of things happening, always busy. I was thinking of going up there sometime soon and hit up south street. So, what are you going to school for?

they put my minka to sleep.... he got really sick, and mewed all day and night till he turned blue in the face.
i hate it when kitties have to go.

miao!! frown

so sad! i had to put down my kitty last year he was only 6 months old frown
no more self loathing. ill be better. everyone here is too fucking pretty. but it is inspiring, the awesome people.

and self improvement ideas?

im reading tons nowadays, in order to try and expand my little world.
trying to be freindlier. and more worldly. I want to meet people from everywhere.

bombard me with ideas, please.

smile shocked
Try doing something crazy.. something you always wanted to do but never thought you could. Take the risk and enjoy the ride... Trust me.. it works wonders and makes everything a little more.. interesting wink
everywhere is in there, in your little world, ill nock and say hello from australia smile
ever get really drunk and end up feeling so lonely, that you cried for a really long time?
even though you were surrounded by people? ever get upset at someone because you were so paranoid about what they thought?
drinking makes me get paranoid like that. I ended up leaving and wandering around and somehow calling someone inbetween bawling like an idiot.
and i feel...
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I really get bored too much, even though I always have too much to get done.

thank god for the interent.

the internet is the my god! i think id go crazzy with out it if i had to think about what i realy had to do!
mjez, the internet rules; i'm addicted