If you know me (and now you do) you know that I love the great state of New Jersey.
I live there by choice. I love it there. I love the people I grew up with. I love the shore. I move the mountains. To me New York City is life in overdrive, which is great, but exhausting. It's like eating dinner on a treadmill. New Jersey is life in in real time. I love living here.
I belong to a gym right down the block from me. My gym is named "Strong and Shapely". Yeah. It's so embarrassing. It's embarrassing for a lot of reasons, but mostly because that name brings to mind that ugly undercurrent of awful that's always been ever present in my home state- neon license plate frames, spray tan, Seaside Heights ("Jersey Shore" may exploit a very specific type of person, but they REALLY do exist in Seaside), hair gel and all that. That's aspect of Jersey has always amused/tortured me. I went to high school with kids like Pauly D, or whatever his name is. I swear. Lots of them. I still cringe when I see those Jersey Shore people on tv anywhere.
So the gym....
The first day I joined the gym I walked in and went promptly into a nice, small room and started lifting weights. I was in there for 20 minutes with nobody around until a guy with a tan and gold chains stuck his muscled neck in and said "Yo. You're in the chicks' room!"
They have lots of signs posted around the gym to please keep your shirt on, but of course when the attendant's back is turned those motherfuckers whip em off and go running to a mirror to check themselves out. It's hysterical. The other day I saw two guys comparing thigh muscles. And they all have oil on. It's priceless.
But the most embarrassing thing about my gym is a poster they have. It's a Disneyland poster that has been run through some bad photoshop to now read "Strong and Shapely- the Disneyland of Gyms". And they have added weights to the cartoon characters like Pluto and Goofy and Beauty and the Beast. It's SO odd!!!
This is a bad picture because it's taken on my crappy phone, but you get the idea.
I have no words

I live there by choice. I love it there. I love the people I grew up with. I love the shore. I move the mountains. To me New York City is life in overdrive, which is great, but exhausting. It's like eating dinner on a treadmill. New Jersey is life in in real time. I love living here.
I belong to a gym right down the block from me. My gym is named "Strong and Shapely". Yeah. It's so embarrassing. It's embarrassing for a lot of reasons, but mostly because that name brings to mind that ugly undercurrent of awful that's always been ever present in my home state- neon license plate frames, spray tan, Seaside Heights ("Jersey Shore" may exploit a very specific type of person, but they REALLY do exist in Seaside), hair gel and all that. That's aspect of Jersey has always amused/tortured me. I went to high school with kids like Pauly D, or whatever his name is. I swear. Lots of them. I still cringe when I see those Jersey Shore people on tv anywhere.
So the gym....
The first day I joined the gym I walked in and went promptly into a nice, small room and started lifting weights. I was in there for 20 minutes with nobody around until a guy with a tan and gold chains stuck his muscled neck in and said "Yo. You're in the chicks' room!"
They have lots of signs posted around the gym to please keep your shirt on, but of course when the attendant's back is turned those motherfuckers whip em off and go running to a mirror to check themselves out. It's hysterical. The other day I saw two guys comparing thigh muscles. And they all have oil on. It's priceless.
But the most embarrassing thing about my gym is a poster they have. It's a Disneyland poster that has been run through some bad photoshop to now read "Strong and Shapely- the Disneyland of Gyms". And they have added weights to the cartoon characters like Pluto and Goofy and Beauty and the Beast. It's SO odd!!!
This is a bad picture because it's taken on my crappy phone, but you get the idea.
I have no words

It's pretty funny that they'd go through the effort of photoshopping that poster.
Somethings are so bad that they break right through the barrier into being awesome. I think your gym is pretty close there.