Oh dude, today was the shift from hell. The storm we had last night knocked out the power, so when I got into work this morning at 7:30am I found that the closing manager had to leave the store with no working tills, no closing paperwork done, and 2/3 of the equipment out of commission. My freezer was letting everything thaw as well, so it was panic attack time. And even better, none of the upper management were answering their phones so I had no idea what to do. I had to call one of the guys in at 8:30 the night after his birthday party. But things turned out alright, we didn't get the store opened untill 12:30pm so at least for the majority of my shift I didn't have to serve anyone. Fucking customers.
On the upside I was looking through a box of odd kitchen items my mom gave me for the new place, and I am now the proud owner of a pretty Monet style clock and yin-yang salt and pepper shakers. Hooray for seasoning and correct time!
And now it's off to bed, as I'm spent.
Keep fit and have fun!
<3's ya'll
On the upside I was looking through a box of odd kitchen items my mom gave me for the new place, and I am now the proud owner of a pretty Monet style clock and yin-yang salt and pepper shakers. Hooray for seasoning and correct time!
And now it's off to bed, as I'm spent.
Keep fit and have fun!
<3's ya'll
we're having a little SG WPG get together on Sept. 13th at the Toad and I'd love it if you could show up and hang out for a bit, since we've never met! let me know if you're interested. I'm just trying to find out if there's enough people up for it. Oryx is in town, so I thought it would be a good excuse to have a get-together.

okay skank, you have internet. you have a place to sit and use said internet. so get to it.