Guess who's back?
Lemme see, what's up with me? I didn't get that job at HSC, which sort of plumeted me into a pit of dispair for a little while. But I think I'm over it now, just desperate for money. Which leads to my next topic.
A couple days ago a girl from my old work called me and offered me substantial money to take my old job back. So I took it, which means come Monday it's back to the dark side of fast food. Could be awesome, simply because about 3 of my good friends still work there and I'm friendly with a lot of the other people, so at least it could be fun. I never will get over the disgust I feel when offering "Biggie Size" to morbidly obese people who've already ordered Triple combos with extra cheese and mayo with a DIET coke. Or even better, grand slams. *shudder* I remember at time I was so tempted to plead "Dude! Go to Subway! It's across the street! Please, I'll pay you!" Plus, to add to the potential awesomeness, when I left it was sething with sexual harassment. Hopefully it hasn't changed too much.
I'm still going to be at the movie store, just one shift a week though, mostly just to keep my 10 free rentals a week. I'm so used to never paying for movies I don't think I could ever hand someone money to rent a movie again.
Hmm, what else is new? I'm hyped that all of my friends in Uni are going to be done super soon. Then the orgy of BecomingX style love in's can begin.
Nothing more to say.
Keep fit and have fun.
Lemme see, what's up with me? I didn't get that job at HSC, which sort of plumeted me into a pit of dispair for a little while. But I think I'm over it now, just desperate for money. Which leads to my next topic.
A couple days ago a girl from my old work called me and offered me substantial money to take my old job back. So I took it, which means come Monday it's back to the dark side of fast food. Could be awesome, simply because about 3 of my good friends still work there and I'm friendly with a lot of the other people, so at least it could be fun. I never will get over the disgust I feel when offering "Biggie Size" to morbidly obese people who've already ordered Triple combos with extra cheese and mayo with a DIET coke. Or even better, grand slams. *shudder* I remember at time I was so tempted to plead "Dude! Go to Subway! It's across the street! Please, I'll pay you!" Plus, to add to the potential awesomeness, when I left it was sething with sexual harassment. Hopefully it hasn't changed too much.
I'm still going to be at the movie store, just one shift a week though, mostly just to keep my 10 free rentals a week. I'm so used to never paying for movies I don't think I could ever hand someone money to rent a movie again.
Hmm, what else is new? I'm hyped that all of my friends in Uni are going to be done super soon. Then the orgy of BecomingX style love in's can begin.
Nothing more to say.
Keep fit and have fun.
It's gonna be time for crazy summer fun soon. If we have an SG Winnipeg picnic this summer, do you want to come?
i had a migraine for 2 days and since then have been craving concentrated orange juice. serioulsy, ive had 5 cups in the past day. sick