Well, it's been a while, and now that I'm far less grumpy (sorry about the ranting in my last entry, I had a week where I was sick with the cold from hell AND managed to put my back out, I was a very cranky girl
) I think I should plan my birthday. I have March (also renamed as Fuck in some circles) 4th-7th booked off of work and I'm wracking my precious brain to think of something to do in this crazy mid-sized town. Shooters? Line-dancing? Craps? I have no clue. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
*sigh* Even though my last year was 'bunk' as some might say, I'm really begining to miss Folk Fest. Methinks this yearning has been brought about by the fact that lots of cool people that couldn't make it last year are now all planning to go this year. And this makes me happy through the loin area. Where else can you eat curry in +40 weather while watching a man wearing a white tuxedo and wrapped up in bandages like the invisible man rock out on an electric violin?

*sigh* Even though my last year was 'bunk' as some might say, I'm really begining to miss Folk Fest. Methinks this yearning has been brought about by the fact that lots of cool people that couldn't make it last year are now all planning to go this year. And this makes me happy through the loin area. Where else can you eat curry in +40 weather while watching a man wearing a white tuxedo and wrapped up in bandages like the invisible man rock out on an electric violin?
Why, in my living room, of course. Except it's not that warm, the violin isn't electric, and the musician is me (and I'm not a dude). I'll get back to you on the white tux & bandages...
Are you on the mend from being sick? There are a lot of nasty bugs going around.
Happy early birthday!