I really wish I could get high. I don't at all mean that I'm incapable of getting toasted, but I have a weird tendency to either a) have freakish panic/coughing attacks where I think I'm going to die and end up almost completely unable to move or b) have little to no feeling as a result of said smoking. It's frustrating because it's really hit or miss. It's extra sucky because ye olde boy toy loves the smokage, and I kind of wish I could do it with him without him having to be prepared for the possibility of babysitting. One of the last times I decided to smoke with him, I was so out of it I became unable to speak, and Steve had to assist me in walking to the washroom. I was practically a freakin' invalid. The next time I did twice at much and felt next to nothing. Weird? Yes.
The only real benefit is that I like the things I draw during said times. Like this guy:
He started off as a bunch of silly hippy swirlys on one corner of the page and by the time I was done I was terrified.
But yes, now I must sleep so that I can be well resting to count other people's money whilst hating them.
The only real benefit is that I like the things I draw during said times. Like this guy:

He started off as a bunch of silly hippy swirlys on one corner of the page and by the time I was done I was terrified.
But yes, now I must sleep so that I can be well resting to count other people's money whilst hating them.
remember that book, where the wild things are? that drawing of yours reminds me of it.