So Ive finally been bullied into updating. Fucking jackasses.
Lemme see. Whats new around here? Nothing much, working has been alright. I kind of cycle back and forth between wanting to A) jump for joy that Ive found a well paying job, B)throw my teller stamp at my supervisors face and tell her to change her fucking tampon, and C) run off and join a non-threatening commune in Coconut Grove.
Oh well, laura-belle is going to be here in a week, and Ive taken 4 days off of work to spend getting crunk. Im sure Ill feel better after a couple nights of getting down, raisin the roof etc.
*jump to 4 hours later*
Well, Ive had a few beer, and Im feeling a touch more colourful. Im seriously weirded out by bank work man, its so not what I pictured myself doing at this age. I just turned 23 and I was so sure a couple years ago that by now Id be off on either A) crazy European adventures or B) Living in a house in Wolsley with a drag queen and writing my novel between sangria binges. WTF? As lame as it *must* sound, I feel a tad too cool for banking. And it sucks that were expected to be so professional with members that theres almost no room for personality. I actually got a talking to for using the phrase all that jazz when discussing someones mortgage payments with them. The whole annoying as hell, low and respectful I-went-to management-training-class-to-learn-how-to-condescend-this-well tone, the open-ended questions What would your impression be if you were to walk into your financial institution and the person you spoke to, who is supposed to be a representative of the company as a whole, used slang like that with you? Hm? *PUNCH* How is it that people BECOME their job like that? Its TOO terrible. I hope it never ever happens to me. If it does anyone on here has every right to pimp-slap me until I come back to my senses.
Ill let yall know if anything else inconsequential happens. STAY TUNED!
Lemme see. Whats new around here? Nothing much, working has been alright. I kind of cycle back and forth between wanting to A) jump for joy that Ive found a well paying job, B)throw my teller stamp at my supervisors face and tell her to change her fucking tampon, and C) run off and join a non-threatening commune in Coconut Grove.
Oh well, laura-belle is going to be here in a week, and Ive taken 4 days off of work to spend getting crunk. Im sure Ill feel better after a couple nights of getting down, raisin the roof etc.
*jump to 4 hours later*
Well, Ive had a few beer, and Im feeling a touch more colourful. Im seriously weirded out by bank work man, its so not what I pictured myself doing at this age. I just turned 23 and I was so sure a couple years ago that by now Id be off on either A) crazy European adventures or B) Living in a house in Wolsley with a drag queen and writing my novel between sangria binges. WTF? As lame as it *must* sound, I feel a tad too cool for banking. And it sucks that were expected to be so professional with members that theres almost no room for personality. I actually got a talking to for using the phrase all that jazz when discussing someones mortgage payments with them. The whole annoying as hell, low and respectful I-went-to management-training-class-to-learn-how-to-condescend-this-well tone, the open-ended questions What would your impression be if you were to walk into your financial institution and the person you spoke to, who is supposed to be a representative of the company as a whole, used slang like that with you? Hm? *PUNCH* How is it that people BECOME their job like that? Its TOO terrible. I hope it never ever happens to me. If it does anyone on here has every right to pimp-slap me until I come back to my senses.
Ill let yall know if anything else inconsequential happens. STAY TUNED!

I guess I can pass for a D'Onofrio clone in a picture...but trust me, I look nothing like the guy...though I'll take that as a compliment since The thriteenth floor and The Cell are some of the best movies.
Well if your going to complain about it...