The world would be sooo much cooler if people didnt gasp and cry over every tiny offense. i love george carlin. love him. i'd hit that.
i can say oh well to anything. things that if you knew what i shrugged and said oh well to, you'd think i was a mean horrible person that had no feelings.

but i do. i just dont wanna be one of those old biddys that stare out their window. here's one of the FUNNIEST quotes from a movie. ever. The War: "Can you make any more noise with that damn car o'yours?? And quit tryin' to look through my dress and see my nipples!"
watch that movie. and its still in that stage when elijiah wood is very cute.
who loves the dentist? i dont. sigh...

I am much better, I have just been avoiding my journal.
Ugh, I don't know ANYONE who likes going to the dentist. Good luck!