Pics lately... got Dave's dad chillin with our neighbors... Got us at the Day of the Dead festival with my cousin...and then last but not least, that diamond tattoo? yeah Dave just inked up our neighbor Courtney with that beaut! (thats not a pic of Court though, thats just what the diamond looks like.) so yeah.

^ ^ ^ my plugs suit the occasion.

ALSO: please check out this link, Dave did this for You Tube for his work and the more that view it--well you know.
Alright friends, ttyl
Whats everyone doing for Halloween anyway?
my awesome night light i got from the festival. its bad ass.

^ ^ ^ my plugs suit the occasion.

ALSO: please check out this link, Dave did this for You Tube for his work and the more that view it--well you know.

Alright friends, ttyl
Whats everyone doing for Halloween anyway?

my awesome night light i got from the festival. its bad ass.
*I've always enjoyed this aspect of our interactions. And we have "known" each other for a few years now, haven't we? Crazy indeed.*
*We even have pictures of said meeting! I barely go out to SGLA stuff anymore. I think I sort of reached a plateau right around the meeting you part.