You know that feeling? ....that one where you feel that 'way'. yeah that one.... good you know.
So that song by Finger Eleven, "I'll keep your memory vague"...... that's pretty good.
Anyway probably going to Scotland in September to check out the place for living. if we like--we live, if we don't--we won't. so we'll see.
Life is nuts. emotions are even nuttier. lack of emotions though, that's puzzling. it makes you insensitive and hollow. yet protected. funny that.
Things are good, i miss people. But its ok because all good things..... you know the rest.
Guess whats REALLY cool though? Dave and i are going to buy a tattoo kit next weekend. and we're going to practice on melons and leather and some fake skin that comes with the kit and get real good and then start tattooing. im not saying we're going to take on Kat Von D or anything but hell, we're both artists and this is another form. i'm going to start by letting him fill in certain tattoos first, then move on to bigger things. we're pretty excited. so who's going to be our first lab rat?? who wants a free tattoo that will be semi-cool?
Dude i'm SO getting this shirt that has King Tut on both boobs, and it says on it: 'QUIT STARING AT MY TUTS'. i love it. i'll probably wear it every single day and thats all you'll see me in, in every photo.
So has anyone ever died in a dream? because Freddy slashed my head off and everything went black and i woke up. so much for death in a dream=death period.
So who else has met their demise in their sleep?

So that song by Finger Eleven, "I'll keep your memory vague"...... that's pretty good.
Anyway probably going to Scotland in September to check out the place for living. if we like--we live, if we don't--we won't. so we'll see.
Life is nuts. emotions are even nuttier. lack of emotions though, that's puzzling. it makes you insensitive and hollow. yet protected. funny that.
Things are good, i miss people. But its ok because all good things..... you know the rest.
Guess whats REALLY cool though? Dave and i are going to buy a tattoo kit next weekend. and we're going to practice on melons and leather and some fake skin that comes with the kit and get real good and then start tattooing. im not saying we're going to take on Kat Von D or anything but hell, we're both artists and this is another form. i'm going to start by letting him fill in certain tattoos first, then move on to bigger things. we're pretty excited. so who's going to be our first lab rat?? who wants a free tattoo that will be semi-cool?

Dude i'm SO getting this shirt that has King Tut on both boobs, and it says on it: 'QUIT STARING AT MY TUTS'. i love it. i'll probably wear it every single day and thats all you'll see me in, in every photo.
So has anyone ever died in a dream? because Freddy slashed my head off and everything went black and i woke up. so much for death in a dream=death period.
So who else has met their demise in their sleep?


Whoa, way cool. I didn't think anyone else in La Habra was on here lol. Glad to know there is though! So what's up with moving to scotland? Wanting to get away from La Habra?
Chupacabra of La Habra!? Is that your gansta star name? It's cooL that you guys couldnt come over to our humble abyss. We missed u though. You guys should come over on the 18th. So we can chill
or hang or whatever comes to mind.