I really need some advice on something. I started a job a year ago and it’s been terrible. I am overworked, undertrained and underpaid but somehow I was resilient and made it through it and have become quite good at my job. I can deal with the other things I mentioned it’s corporate America so I am use to it but the one thing I have not been able to cope with is being harassed and bullied. My director took an unhealthy attachment to me to the point she was calling me her daughter and trying to force me to stay late nights with her among other things and when I tried to tell her in a professional way to back off she just kept on or tried to do things to get me to be around her she’s a fucking creep. I finally got my direct boss involved and since my director is both of our bosses and my boss wanted to help me properly she got HR involved and my directors director involved all HR did was take it away from my big director gas light me manipulate me and told me in a nutshell we will get her off of you personally but if she wants to abuse her power and run things the way she wants she can and you either deal with her or you can leave. Another women I feel like is threatening by me idk why she has two degrees in our field and been with the company for 9 years. Do I work harder than her and am better in certain things with my department yes but not because I’m trying to be I busted my ass to learn my job and if this women properly did her job she could mop the floor with me with it and if not that’s not my problem. She has tried sabotaging me, love bombing and saying condescending shit that if I would of said it, It would of gotten me fired. I tried to play nice with her but she keeps crossing my boundaries and my boss who usually listens to me liter ally ignored me today when I told her about this woman. I bust my ass for my boss and all I asked was for her to tell this woman to leave me alone and my boss ignored me oh but when I was making moves and doing shit she needed done she responded. I left early today because I almost had a nervous breakdown. I can’t leave my job right now and I’m scared if I don’t let these woman treat me any type of way that my company will make it my problem and fire me. I’ve done everything I can to handle things professionally and cordial and for the past year despite everything I’ve been a model employee but idk what to do at this point. I will eventually leave this job but for now it is needed.
@adam_bovary @mordvekna @skisby thanks guys for taking the time to answer 🥰sorry it took me so long to reply my life’s been falling apart a bit and I had to put it back together. *update* I quit in December I had gotten to my breaking point. I am much happier and at peace.
I pray you have a better situation 🙌🏽 Perhaps you or your director changed out🙌🏽 May 2025 have tons of amazing & awesome opportunities for you @beckypaige 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉