"[S]he's just the sort of beauty whose self-effacing vibe would make her less than magnetic to really handsome guys and madly irresistible to nerdswho think that maybe, just maybe, they'd have a shot. The one she attracts is played by the director, who makes himself look very unprepossessing, indeed. In fact, he's cringe-worthy. The character he plays, Mitchell, tries to make a virtue of his self-deprecation: Loathing himself is obviously all he has to think about. He's so unappealing that it really would be a sign of self-disrespect for Marnie to go to bed with him. Fortunately, he's too lame even to press his case."
Damn, is thr internet trying to tell me something?
Damn, is thr internet trying to tell me something?
haha. i read that too... it's in a film review, right? can't remember which one.
cool, i'll check it out... although i'll probably wait until it's out on DVD. i only see two movies in the theatre per year, and i've already seen Sin City. thank god for netflix!