sorry i've been away. i needed time to think.... all the work i've done for sg has never showed up on my profile and therefore not in my bank account either, so needless to say i've been keeping my distance! but i figure as long as there's still people looking at me naked i'll still be checking in from time to how is everyone? what's been going on? i've been traveling and plan on traveling some more. i'm headed to guam in a few weeks so im pretty fucking stoked right now!!!! i've never been out of the country, wait thats a lie i ran off to cananda once and married a stranger....needless to say i dont recommend you do the same! this trip is gonna be great! and then in august im moving farther south which should be pretty cool. it's cool to go back to school kids! or at least i'm gonna give it a try! well it's time for me to get outta here, i have no car so im headed to buy a scooter! love you all!

hey, bad to time to get to know each other I guess huh. well hope you don't disappear from the site cuz I love your sets and you're one of my fav sgs (I keep my list with people who update more but you are a fav nonetheless!). hopefully one day not just cuz I like to look at you naked, heh.
