Coffee is something I cannot live without. Not because I need a mega jolt of caffeine to wake up, but because every morning the hot, steamy cup of deliciousness has become a ritualistic time for me to relax and get my day started in the most leisurely way.... naked.
The very first naked coffee happened by accident on the morning I clumsily forgot to put my clothes in the dryer the night before. I had showered, dried my hair, and was otherwise ready to leave for work when I realized my clothes were still wet. Without much else to do, I fixed myself another cup of coffee and relished in the softness of my bed sheets for another hour. I cherished this morning "me-time" so much that I began capturing these moments and posting them to my instagram. As time went on these images of me became my trademark- sometimes rocking bed head of epic proportions, no make-up, and always wielding a crisp white coffee mug representing a raw, just awakened form.
While most girls would rather die than be naked in public or even worse, with bed head, it has become something I look forward to sharing with the world, and each one of you, every morning.
So tomorrow we will toast to our nakedness and seize the day...
But first, Coffee,
Becca XOXO