If you had seen me three years ago, you probably wouldn't recognize the girl in this picture. As a matter of fact, three years ago I didn't even realize there was such a thing as Suicide Girls! (And I wasn't living under a rock, I promise!) I was however, struggling to find "me" in a sea full of mundane and mediocrity.
Flash forward to me sitting in a bar in Knoxville, Tennessee sipping a high ball of whiskey with a close friend. I noticed a girl staring at me from across the bar and as soon as I would catch her gaze she would quickly look away. Finally, she worked up the nerve to talk to me and asked if I was a Suicide Girl. I politely said no, but with my curiosity peaked, it wasn't long after that that I dove into fascinating world of tattooed, pierced beauties that embraced themselves in all their oddities instead of crumbing under society's social molds. I'm not a size two, I've never had body altering surgery- and not because I don't think that my boobs could be a little larger or the thought that the highly sought after thigh-gap might be an obtainable possibility- but in this group of women of all shapes, sizes, and colors, seem to find a million forms of beauty that in some form lives in each and every one of us, EXACTLY as we are.
Today, the SG community has helped me find my wings as an odd bird who isn't afraid to wear anything but a smile for the camera!
Follow my SG Hopeful journey as I submit my first set in a few weeks and of course, you can find me on Instagram @beccanotbecky710
Rock on,