My Prism
A prism which is mine
Generating obsessions
Each and every outtake
Seeking further revelations
Isolated beyond fathom
A sub-culture I belong
Creating no disturbance
In an atmosphere of song
Grinding with mystery
A revolution to be found
Unblurring the scenery
Gently moving the clouds

A prism which is mine
Generating obsessions
Each and every outtake
Seeking further revelations
Isolated beyond fathom
A sub-culture I belong
Creating no disturbance
In an atmosphere of song
Grinding with mystery
A revolution to be found
Unblurring the scenery
Gently moving the clouds

ah i wish i had the body to do it...
btw, i'm elliott on ugs, i believe you are punkiconess, yes? it be a small world, eh