I got a dog! He was running around outside my work tonight, without a collar or anything. Someone said they saw a homeless man beating him earlier. He's so skinny and nice and pretty. I can't afford a dog, I'm not allowed to have a dog in my apartment, and I don't think I'm allowed to have a dog in the next place I'm living. But I couldn't just leave him out there to get hit by a car or beaten. And I can't help but think that maybe it's fate, that he came into my life right when I'm about to move and just might be able to find a place where I can keep him. I've been wanting to get a dog so badly for so long now. So now he's asleep on my balcony, well fed and happy. I'm pretty sure he's been homeless for awhile -- he doesn't listen to any commands, he went straight for my trash, and he seems more comfortable outside than inside. But he kept knocking over his water even when he was desperately thirsty, he flinches when I move too quickly, and he cries when he feels alone, and those are things that break my heart. So I will try to keep him if I can.
This doesn't seem like it will end well.
What can i say...i love aural sex hehehe