I graduate in the middle of December. Based on what I make now, there's no way I'll have rent money for January. Which basically means I need to start whatever 'real' job I'm going to have as soon as I graduate. I started looking last week, just to get a feel for what's out there, and I realized really quickly that I'm not remotely qualified for anything that I'm seeing. Somehow they made it seem like the second you have that degree all of a sudden you're hireable, but I'm not. Every time I think about it I feel like I'm either going to start crying or have a heart attack. I have no idea what to do.
Hey girlie, you sounded interested in seeing the tattoo art that Mickey and I were talking about at the Halloween party. I looked in my magazine again and here's a website that probably has some pics. Boucherie Traditionnelle The artists name is Noon. I love his stuff, I believe if I lived in France I would be a regular customer of his....in fact, I might just have to save up for a trip....let me know what you think!
Where's my present!!???!?!? Just kidding, thank you for the happy birthday.