Thanks for the tag @vmac911 it goes:
⭐What's the color of your hair brush?
- white with pink flamingos 🦩
⭐Name of food you never eat
- Oysters (Stealing this from @vmac911) I ate one on a date at a fancy restaurant and tried to swallow it but I just couldn’t. My date said I could spit it out. Thank god! But also any fish in general.
⭐Are you typically too warm or too old?
Usually to cold. However, when it’s summertime.. I’m uncomfortably hot and stuffy.
⭐What were you doing 45 min ago?
Getting ready for bed, washing my face and doing my skincare routine. I’m an Esthetician and it’s a must to take care of your skin!
⭐What's your fav candy bar?
- does cake count? If not, then do peanut M&M’s? Yum, I’m hungry for sugar now.
⭐Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
- Yes, I used to live in Oakland, CA and the general Bay Area. So I would go to MLB Giants games. They are tons of fun! I’m not huge into sports but cheering and dressing up in the teams colors is great fun.
⭐What's the last thing you said out loud?
- Goodnight, I love you. And I said it to my doggie 🐶
⭐What's your fav ice-cream?
- Tough question! It changes from time to time. Right now it’s mint Oreo cookie crumble.
⭐What's the last thing you had to drink?
- Arrow head sparkling lemon water. I call it sober water. Ahhaha
⭐Do you like your wallet?
-I adore it! I have a thing for Trophy Queen purses and wallets. I have the weekender leopard print messenger bag. Like 5 other trophy queen bags. All different types. One pink sparkly fold out wallet and one gold sparkly clutch. Ooohh, and I just got one of their brand new purses that she started making again (Tanner design studio) with spades ♠️ and clubs. Absolutely love it! ❤️
⭐What's the last thing you ate?
- Habbit cheeseburger-GUILTY! Yum
⭐Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
- If by clothes you mean lingerie..
⭐Last sports event you watched?
- Oh god.. I can’t even remember..
⭐What's your fav flavor of popcorn 🍿?
- Butter. The movie theater kind.. drool 🤤 I want to go to the movies again.
⭐What's the last person you sent a message to?
- That’s for me to know and for you to find out ;)
⭐Ever go camping?
- all the time as a kid. Not as much since I’ve been on my own since I was 18. I would like to though!!
⭐Do you take vitamins?
- So many.. it’s essential to my personal health. Some people can get away without taking them but I rely on taking them. My aunt had a vitamin store right up until 2007 when the economy kind of took a nose dive. We’re close so I know a little bit about holistic health.
⭐Do you go to church every Sunday?
- sorry I wasn’t in church this past Sunday.. I was out smoking crack with Satan.
⭐Do you have a tan?
- god no. I don’t think I could get one if I tried.
⭐Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
- pizza is for lovers! But answer me this.. does pineapple belong on pizza? Ohh snap, I got ya!
⭐Do you drink your soda with a straw?
- I very rarely drink soda. But when I do.. if it’s served with a straw you bet your ass I’m drinking it like that.
⭐What color socks do you usually wear?
-I have a collection of flamingo socks 🦩 And a collection of Christmas socks that I wear year round. odd? Maybe. I just really like flamingos. But I have other types of fun socks too. Like: cats, cats drinking tea, Betty Boop, polka dot, Halloween, all colors, etc
⭐Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
- all the time. But I’m always on po po patrol. Remember speed radars that would beep when cops were around? I wonder if they still have those...
⭐What terrifies me?
-snakes. I don’t care about spiders. Recently we’ve had frogs come into the house because of rain and those little buggers freak me out. But I fear my loved ones dying or losing my health insurance.
⭐Look at your left, what do you see?
My black fluffy kitty Pepe
⭐What chore do you hate?
- THE DISHES! or bringing the garbage cans to the top of the hill. Ugh, gold plated problems.
⭐️What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
- What did you just say again?!
⭐Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
- I’ll go in because I THINK it will be faster but in reality it probably won’t be. I’ll even try and time it with the car that pulled into the drive tru the same time that decided to walk into the restaurant and see who gets out quicker. I’ll grow frustrated because the drive tru line is getting more attention and going faster and I’ll try and remain calm reminding myself that I’m saving gas by going inside. Then I’ll go back to my car and eat in peace. The struggle. Ha
⭐Fav cut of beef?
- the IN N’ OUT burger kind.
⭐Last song you listened to?
⭐Last book you read?
- The Mastery of Love by Michael Ruiz
⭐Fav day of the week?
- Friday- and I have no idea why
⭐️Can you say the alphabet backwards?
-absolutely not- even though I’m dyslexic and I still can’t.
⭐How do you coffee?
-however it’s served. But I’ll be super happy with a vanilla latte:)
⭐Fav pair of shoes?
- Black moccasins or black ballet flats
⭐Time you normally go to bed
- Always different. Depends on my mood or what I did that day or how tired I am. But usually around 12am
⭐What do you prefer Sunsets or Sunrise?
- Sunsets
⭐How many blankets on your bed?
- 4 but then I throw them off at night. And my cats sleeps on top of me.
⭐Describe your kitchen plates
- Some gray, some blue, some yellow. Much better than when I was 20! Everything was mismatched, plastic and from the dollar store. Lol
⭐Do you have a fav alcoholic beverage?
- I actually don’t drink. 8 years sober.
⭐Do you play cards?
- I recently played a mad game of uno. So aggressive and competitive...
⭐What color is your car?
- White.
⭐Can you change a tire?
- If you mean call triple A.. than hell yeah I can! I’ve got mad skills.
⭐What's your state?
-current California. Soon Colorado.
⭐Fav job you ever had?
-I worked at a (kids) toy store for 11 years. I made a solid best friend there and had the best years of my teens and 20’s. So many’s laughs. The kind where you have tears in your eyes. I also worked in an (adult) toy store. I learned a lot there and met some cool people. But mostly it was about the education. It was a 3 month education course program before you were ready to teach people and sell. I got a lot of toys too! ;)
⭐How did you get your biggest scar?
Oh mm gee, I have so many.. I fell into a drainage pipe when I was 7 and the lid scratched up the whole side of my body. Thank god my body healed at a young age and you can’t really see them. I also got stitches above my right eye on my eyelid when I was 5 from cutting tape and slipping.
I wanna see @gazsmith74 @hollywood13 @samihain @shalil @chroi answers. 💕 and thank you again for including me @vmac911 it was very thoughtful and I really enjoyed reading about you! Xo 😘 ❤️💗